UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug) Result 2024 – Eligibility Result Released

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has released the eligibility result for the Junior Analyst (Drug) position. Candidates who appeared for the eligibility test can now check the result and review further updates regarding the recruitment process.

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Overview

Recruiting OrganizationUttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
Post NameJunior Analyst (Drug)
Advertisement NumberAdvt No 05-Exam/2024
Total Vacancies361
Application Starting Date18-04-2024
Application Last Date18-05-2024
Official WebsiteOfficial UPSSSC Website

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Important Dates

Date of Notification22-02-2024
Starting Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee18-04-2024
Last Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee18-05-2024
Last Date for Fee Adjustment & Amendment in Application25-05-2024
Eligibility Result Released31-12-2024

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fee
Unreserved/General/OBCRs. 25/- (Application Fee: Nil + Online Processing Fee: Rs. 25/-)
SC/STRs. 25/- (Application Fee: Nil + Online Processing Fee: Rs. 25/-)
Payment ModeDebit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking/UPI or SBI

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Vacancies

Post NameVacancy
Junior Analyst (Drug)361

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Qualification

Post NameQualification
Junior Analyst (Drug)Degree in Pharmacy

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Age Limit

CategoryAge Limits
GeneralMinimum: 21 Years, Maximum: 40 Years
OBC/SC/STAge relaxation as per government rules
PWDAge relaxation as per government rules

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Selection Process

The selection process for the UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug) position includes the following stages:

  1. Eligibility Test: A preliminary test conducted by UPSSSC.
  2. Written Examination: Candidates who qualify the eligibility test will appear for the written exam.
  3. Document Verification: Shortlisted candidates will be called for verification of documents.
  4. Final Selection: Based on performance in the written exam and document verification.

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Exam Pattern

Eligibility Test PatternThe test will consist of multiple-choice questions based on general knowledge, pharmacy, and drug-related topics.
Written Exam PatternDetailed exam pattern and syllabus are available in the official notification.

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): Important Links

Eligibility ResultEligibility Result Link
NotificationDownload Notification

UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug): FAQs

What is the last date to apply for the UPSSSC Junior Analyst (Drug) recruitment?
The last date to apply online is 18-05-2024.

What is the eligibility required for applying to the Junior Analyst (Drug) position?
Candidates must have a Degree in Pharmacy to be eligible for this post.

How many vacancies are there for the Junior Analyst (Drug) post?
There are a total of 361 vacancies available.

What is the age limit for the Junior Analyst (Drug) recruitment?
The minimum age is 21 years, and the maximum age is 40 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per the government rules.

Where can I find the detailed exam pattern for the Junior Analyst (Drug) recruitment?
The detailed exam pattern and syllabus can be found in the official notification on the UPSSSC website.

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