Union Bank of India: 2691 Apprentices Recruitment 2025

Union Bank of India has announced the recruitment for the position of Apprentices with a total of 2691 vacancies. This opportunity is open to graduates who wish to apply for the apprenticeship. The online application process started on March 5, 2025, and the last date to apply is March 12, 2025. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official Union Bank of India website: unionbankofindia.co.i

Union Bank of India: Important Dates

Online Application Start DateMarch 5, 2025
Online Application Last DateMarch 12, 2025
Exam DateTo be notified

Union Bank of India: Application Fee

General / OBCRs. 800 + GST
Female CandidatesRs. 600 + GST
SC / STRs. 600 + GST
PWBD (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities)Rs. 400 + GST

Union Bank of India: Vacancies

Post NameVacancy

Union Bank of India: Qualification

Post NameQualification
ApprenticesGraduation from a recognized University/Institute. Candidates should have completed their graduation on or after April 1, 2021.

Union Bank of India: Age Limit

CategoryAge Limit
Minimum Age20 Years
Maximum Age28 Years
RelaxationAge relaxation as per Govt. of India guidelines for SC/ST/OBC/PWBD categories.

Union Bank of India: Selection Process
The selection process for the Union Bank of India Apprentices involves the following stages:

  • Online Test (Objective Type)
  • Knowledge and Test of Local Language
  • Wait List
  • Medical Examination

The online examination will cover topics such as General/Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude, and Computer Knowledge.

Union Bank of India: Exam Pattern

General/Financial AwarenessQuestions related to current affairs, banking, and financial knowledge
General EnglishQuestions testing English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension
Quantitative AptitudeMath-based questions involving number series, ratios, percentages, etc.
Reasoning AptitudeLogical reasoning and problem-solving questions
Computer KnowledgeBasic computer knowledge questions including operating systems, applications, and internet

Union Bank of India: Important Links

Admit Card/Answer Key/Exam DateClick Here
Official NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

Union Bank of India: FAQs

How can I apply for the Union Bank of India Apprenticeship?
You can apply online through the NATS portal (National Apprenticeship Training Scheme) at nats.education.gov.in.

What is the application fee for the Union Bank of India Apprenticeship?
The application fee is Rs. 800 + GST for General/OBC categories, Rs. 600 + GST for Female candidates and SC/ST categories, and Rs. 400 + GST for PWBD candidates.

What is the age limit for the Union Bank of India Apprenticeship?
The minimum age is 20 years, and the maximum age is 28 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per government rules.

What is the selection process for the Union Bank of India Apprenticeship?
The selection process includes an online test, a test of local language proficiency, a medical examination, and the possibility of being placed on a waitlist.

Where can I get the exam admit card for the Union Bank of India Apprenticeship?
The admit card can be downloaded from the Union Bank of India official website once it is available.

What is the stipend for Union Bank of India Apprentices?
The selected apprentices will receive a stipend of Rs. 15,000 per month during the one-year engagement period.

Can I apply for the Union Bank of India Apprenticeship if I have already completed an apprenticeship elsewhere?
No, candidates who have already undergone apprenticeship or have one or more years of job experience after completing their graduation are not eligible.

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